What to wear for your portrait photoshoot

by Apr 17, 2020

So you just booked your portrait session and it’s actually happening in a few days which means it’s time to decide what to wear. You are standing in front of your wardrobe wishing you had half as many options to choose from. How do you decide which outfit to go for?

As a professional people photographer, I’ve been taking portraits for several years now and I’m here to share the tips I tell my clients to help them decide what to wear for their photoshoot.

The Theme

Before we start talking about cuts and colours, let’s take a step back and think about the bigger picture: What’s the look and feel you have in mind for your images? Outdoorsy nature-lover with lush green background and lots of natural colours, urban style with sharp lines and bold colours, bohemian at golden hour, clean minimalistic indoors with lots of white and subtle neutral colours? This question leads to the decision about the location as well as narrows down your outfit options to one style.


Constructing the outfit

Now that we know the style, we can start constructing the outfit. And a great way to start is with your favourite piece – that item that makes you feel confident and unapologetically you. Looking good on photos is all about how you feel inside. For most people, this is not the time to experiment with new styles but stick with your trusted favourites instead.


Colours & Patterns

 When deciding on the rest of the items for your outfit, stick to one colour palette. Think similar tones (earth colours), go monochromatic (different shades of the same colour) or pick a main colour and add neutrals (black, white, grey) – just to mention a few easy examples. You can also take this opportunity to learn more about colour theory and colour pairing. I find this article particularly good with easy-to-understand definitions, practical tips and plenty of examples.

Most photographers will tell you to stay away from patterns as solid colours are the safe choice. I believe that small patterns can work really well as long as it’s only one garment and everything else is a solid colour. You can also consider playing with textures as an option to add variety.

If you feel self-conscious about certain parts of your body, remember: 1) dark colours make you look more slender and 2) baggy clothes won’t do your figure as much good as you’d think. A good and experienced photographer can do wonders to your look by a few small adjustments to your posing but overly baggy clothes will make it difficult to create the desired shape. Your best option is somewhere between skin-tight and hanging-baggy. Alternatively, wearing a tight dark top and a loose cardigan can be a great option too.

Personally, as a photographer always thinking about light, I really like it when my subject wears white or other light coloured tops. Not only because it adds a beautiful freshness to the image but also because it reflects the light adding a soft natural highlight to their face. 


I also encourage my subjects to bring accessories. A hat, a scarf, a purse are great ways to add variety to your look without having to change the full outfit. And don’t forget about the shoes! Which, of course, doesn’t mean you can’t go barefoot if that’s what goes with your style and location – as long as it’s a considered decision. 

Reality check

Arriving at the final decision about what you are going to wear for your photoshoot certainly feels great but just before you’d melt into that sweet feeling of accomplishment there’s one more thing to do – and this is crucial: try it on. The outfit might look great in your head but let’s double-check that everything fits the same as you remembered. And finally, check for holes, then wash and iron. And you are ready to go.    

profile of female entrepreneur, digital nomad and spiritual teacher in stylish setting | Brand Photography

The full picture

In my portrait photography work, my aim is not only to make my clients look their best but also to bring out their personality. Beauty without personality looks great for fashion photos but when it comes to your own portrait session make sure your outfit doesn’t steal the spotlight from your face. Yes, your clothing is one of the defining elements in your portrait session and a poorly chosen outfit can take away from an otherwise amazing photo but a photographer can always find ways to work with whatever you are wearing. While if you look “perfect” but feel uncomfortable that discomfort, no matter how subtle, will be visible on your face. You can still get good results. But truly great photos happen when you feel great inside.

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Hi! I'm Zsanett. A Brand Consultant & Photographer, I help business owners find their confidence in who they are so they can show up as their best self in their photos and in their business.

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